Lists of all the games I finish each year (or at least put a considerable amount of time into) as well as quick thoughts for each one.


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  • The Forever Winter

    • I wanted to wait until this game was out of early access before I bought it, but I just couldn't help it. After playing the demo, the game was constantly on my mind. It's an extraction shooter that takes place in a world where a war has been raging on for so long that no one even knows why they're fighting it anymore. You play as a scavenger trying to live off of whatever scraps you can find, digging through rubble while giant war machines fight all around you. The art direction is phenomenal, like a living BeksiƄski painting. It's really unfinished though, very much "early access". But I already love it, and it can only get better from here. The devs seem pretty cool too, based on what I saw of them in their Q&A videos.
  • Slay the Spire

    • No surprise that this game ended up being very addictive to me. I dumped 140 hours into it over only two months. Jesus christ. AND I STILL HAVEN'T BEAT THE (true) FINAL BOSS! That being said, though, now that I've actually played this game, I can confidently say that Novus Orbis is better.
  • Atomic Heart: Enchantment Under the Sea DLC

    • NOW WE'RE COOKIN! A great return to form after their last subpar DLC. Hell, it might even be better than the base game. My only real complaints are that the ending is a bit sudden and that the DLC as a whole could've been longer. But whatever, it was still great. High production value, lots of enemy variety, it advanced the story in a satisfying way. I'm tellin ya, people are sleeping on this game.
  • Novus Orbis

    • I played the demo for this game last year. But now it's in early access, so I jumped back into it. And yeah, it's still good. Like I said, I really think it's a better verson of Slay the Spire. It took all the good things from that game and then added its own unique twists to make it even better. So if you're reading this and you like Slay the Spire, please, give this game a chance. It's made by a solo first-time developer and it could really use some exposure.


  • KinitoPET

    • It was neat I guess. I played it twice to see if I could find any secrets, I didn't. I watched a video on it after and saw I missed a ton of stuff. I think I just wasn't prepared to dig as much as the game wanted me to.
  • Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo DLC

    • Odd choice to take a pretty good Bioshock-style FPS and make a CSGO wall surfing DLC set in Candyland. While it was fun, it's a disappointment compared to the main game and first DLC.
  • Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason

    • I couldn't get very far in because the game just kept crashing over and over. I tried so many fixes but none of them worked. A shame, because this game seems really interesting and I want to finish it one day.
  • Raw Metal

    • You know I loved this one because I made an entry for it on the main Gamerzone page. It's probably my personal game of the year? And they've sinced fixed all my problems with it in post-launch updates. Very excited to see what the devs do next!
  • Hot Wheels Unleashed 2

    • I loved Hot Wheels as a kid. Recently I've been getting more into racing games and thought I would love this. The driving controls were a bit too easy even with the difficulty turned up, after only 3 hours of playing I got an achievement that said "raced on all tracks", and also the anime comic story cutscenes are kinda cringey. So I refunded it and bought the next game on the list for a quarter of the price.
  • BallisticNG

    • It cost way less than Hot Wheels and I loved it SO MUCH MORE. After getting into Wipeout via the playable browser port someone made, I was itching for more. This game is incredible. It's basically bootleg Wipeout but somehow better than the original? Huge recommend for antigravity racing fans.
  • Myst 5

    • The Myst series is one of my all time favorites. But I didn't like Myst 4 so much, and I only heard negative things about 5 so I put off playing it until now. Turns out it's not THAT bad. I actually liked it more than 4, funnily enough. It had its moments, Laki'ahn had some fun puzzles, and Todelmer just looked so damn cool.
  • Empires of the Undergrowth

    • Another game with an entry on the main page. Also another of my favorites this year. I still hop on to play some of the bonus game modes every once in a while. The world needs more bug games. (And less buggy ones.)
  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

    • What can I say, everybody loves Elden Ring. Me too. This isn't just a DLC, it's an expansion pack. I'm pretty sure I put close to 100 hours into it, this is basically a whole-ass sequel to the main game. I wished more devs handled DLC like FromSoft does, then maybe I wouldn't mind paying extra after I already bought the base game.
  • Riven Remake

    • A remake of the second game in the Myst series. Ever since first discovering these games, I always fantasized about how it would feel to actually walk around in their worlds instead of looking at the pre-rendered images you see in the games. This remake was basically the fulfillment of a childhood wish for me. It's so perfectly done, and the original atmosphere was left intact. Absolutely incredible game. This could also be my game of the year I think.
  • .Forty-Five

    • This year I found out that I like roguelikes. Especially deckbuilding roguelikes, that shit is like crack-cocaine in game form. One of my earlier forays into the genre was this free, unfinished game. You're a cowboy and you collect bullets with different powers. The "cards" you play are the six bullets in your revolver, which are played in a set order (revolver rotation direction). It's a clever take on the genre, and a neat little hidden gem.
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    • I remember watching my brother play this when it first came out. I remember all the quoteable cutscenes, all the great music, all the flashy moments. It's no wonder that, when I finally got around to playing myself, I fucking loved it. Still working my way through the VR missions. I wish more games took inspiration from its combat system - even how it uses quicktime events is noteworthy I think!
  • Machinika Atlas

    • The sequel to one of my beloved lesser-known indie picks, Machinika Museum. Sadly, this game misses the mark in my opinion. The gameplay is the same, but instead of working as a museum researcher reverse-engineering alien tech that arrives in crates, you are aimlessly stumbling through a spaceship solving basic puzzles that feel like they have no reason to be there. The premise alone was what made the first game special, without that it's just... average.
  • Novus Orbis Demo

    • This was the game that REALLY made me realize how much I like deckbuilder roguelikes. I haven't played Slay the Spire yet, but this game is basically the same thing. And man, it's only a demo, but, uhh... Steam says I have 117 hours in it. So I guess that means I liked it. It's made by a single person, a first time dev, which just makes it more impressive. Seriously, check it out if you like this kind of game.


    Games that I own but haven't played yet

  • Slay the Spire

    • Now that I know I like this kind of game, it's time to play the OG. My girlfriend gifted it to me for Christmas, I have a feeling I'm going to lose a loooot of time to it in 2025. Hahahahaha... oh boy.
  • J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars

    • A point and click that looks really nice. A solid sci-fi story with good user reviews. Will be a nice time I think.
  • Death Stranding

    • I got this shit for free on the Epic Games Store, like most of the other games in this section. I don't know if I'll like it but it looks weird and interesting and the sequel's coming out next year so I might as well play it now. Let's see what Hideo "La Creatividad" Kojima got up to this time.
  • Industria

    • Another free game handed to me by Mr. Tim Sweeney, it's a short FPS game with an atmosphere similar to Half-Life 2, so I hear. I'm sure I could knock it out in one afternoon, I just have to do it.
  • Ghostrunner

    • I fuckin love Mirror's Edge. This is a similar parkour game but you also have a sword. I want to play it.
  • Redout 2

    • After getting into Wipeout and BallisticNG, I was eyeing this game up but not sure if I wanted to buy it. But then the funny Fortnite game store gave it away for free. So now it's just sitting in my library waiting for me to play it.
  • Prey

    • I got this from the weekly Epic giveaway too. I feel compelled to bring that up everytime, I don't know. But anyways, I really liked Dishonored 1 and 2, so I'm sure I'll like this too.

    Games that are out but I don't own yet

  • Obsidian

    • Super surreal weird 90s point and click in the same vein as Myst. I was quite excited to see that it got a modern re-release on Steam.
  • The Space Bar

    • Another strange 90s point and click. Published by the same studio as the above entry, I believe.
  • Diceomancer

    • Played the demo last year, loved it. Full game is out now, I'll check it out after I finish selling my soul to Slay the Spire.
  • The Forever Winter

    • I put a little bit of time into the demo, I am intrigued by this game. It's in early access right now so I'll wait till it's a bit more developed.

    Games that will (probably) come out in 2025

  • Endacopia

    • After the phenomenal demo, I have all the faith in the world that this game will turn out to be incredible. That is, assuming it actually comes out in 2025.
  • Neyyah

    • A Myst-style first person pre-rendered point and click game. I've been following its development for a while, it has great visuals. Supposed to come out in 2025.
  • Amerzone - The Explorer's Legacy

    • I really loved Benoit Sokal's Syberia games. One of his earlier games is Amerzone, and I was surprised to find out there's a remake coming out next year. Let's hope it isn't a complete mess. I haven't played the original yet - maybe I'll add that to the list too??
  • Dreamsettler

    • The sequel to my ultimate favorite game of all time, Hypnospace Outlaw. Nowhere does it say that this game will come out next year, but I'm tentatively putting it on this list anyways. Just in case.